You have two options:

#1 is to simply add one location to the global Google map. All you need to do that is have a gmail account and then go to

#2 is to create a listing with map such as the one in the image above. Doing so is easy. Simply go here and click on “Create a new map.” The rest is self-explanatory. If it’s not then read this tutorial.


  • To share your map with the world first make sure it is public (click on “Share” to change that setting), and then click on “Preview” to get a link you can share with all. Of course that link is impossible to remember, so you may want to use a url shortening tool such as


  • If you want to make changes to your listing or map later on, simply go back to the links mentioned above in #1 and #2.

Have fun with this!

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For the record: there is a list of know Laughter Club directories (Worldwide and for North America) at