8 Brocades & Shaking Qigong Practices

2019-01-14T18:18:15-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

This is the Qigong practice of the 8 Brocades, or Baduanjin. Regular practice is believed to improve organ function and overall wellbeing. You can adjust the pace or the reps to accommodate most any time frame and it can be done in very little space. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K-0JpiJu-o I also like the Qigong shaking practice as it [...]

Ways To Reinvent Your Affirmations For Success

2019-02-17T12:09:08-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

I firmly believe that my attitude is the most precious asset I have. As such my mental dialogue is something I pay a lot of attention to. As such I love and value the practice of affirming what I want. Here are simple ways to reinvent your affirmations for success. At first I followed Jack [...]

101 Words of Affirmation Every Child Wants to Hear

2018-12-27T11:51:14-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

There are so many “voices” in this world telling kids they don’t measure up. Behind every young child who believes in him or her, is a parent who believed in him or her first. Help your kids see how truly wonderful they are. Here are some suggestions to get started:

Certificate of the Inner Child

2018-12-27T11:51:21-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

We were all once children, and still have that child dwelling within us. Yet to become adults, we've been taught that our inner child--representing our child-like capacity for innocence, wonder, awe, joy, sensitivity and playfulness--must be stifled, quarantined or even killed. This can create a lot of challenges and dysfunctions as true adulthood hinges on [...]

Random Acts Of Kindness Made Simple

2018-12-14T14:57:57-08:00Ways To More Laughter|

I love the random acts of kindness challenge. The idea is to inspire people to make a life-long commitment to service and kindness. The event challenges participants to complete a checklist of a set amount of acts of kindness in one week, including such things as holding the door for someone, helping a friend, [...]

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